First Post for Lupus FAQ

I am 68 years old male and just have been told I have Lupus. My only symptom is the butterfly rash (Malar rash). I have heard of Lupus but the disease is really unknown to me.  I have found a lot of information on Lupus and decided to create this blog to consolidate a lot of information in one location.
I like the blogger formation where I can post a FAQ and the reader can provide his comment.  All the information I will be posting will be from other website and is most likely copyrighted.  I will post the links and give the authors the credit for his works and if anyone objects to his works being posted, please let me know and I will remove the information.
Image result for truth is knowledge and will set you free
I will start off with the basis FAQ about what is Lupus and it symptoms.  I will then post information about treatment.  Since there is no cure for Lupus people will have to live with the disease and i will post information about coping and the struggles people have with living with Lupus.


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